Click on a category below to explore FAQs and find answers to your questions.
This section provides detailed troubleshooting guides for CaptchaAI users facing API errors, incorrect captcha solving, integration issues, and other advanced technical problems.
This section provides detailed guides on configuring CaptchaAI settings for optimal performance. Learn how to calculate the right number of threads, customize API requests, and optimize captcha-solving efficiency.
Manage your CaptchaAI account, update passwords, and secure your API key
Get started with CaptchaAI’s API, find integration guides, retrieve your API key, and check software compatibility.
Find details about accepted payment methods, billing history, refunds, and subscription renewals.
Find quick answers on how to sign up, start using CaptchaAI, integrate it with your software, and explore supported captcha types, including free trial details.
Learn about CaptchaAI’s subscription plans, how threads work, upgrading/downgrading plans, and bulk pricing for high-volume users.
Learn how to submit a support ticket, what details to include, and expected response times.
Solve common API errors, integration issues, and speed problems with step-by-step troubleshooting tips.
This section provides step-by-step troubleshooting guides for integrating CaptchaAI with various SEO tools, automation software, and bots. Learn how to configure API settings, resolve common integration errors, and optimize CaptchaAI’s performance in platforms like GSA SER, OpenBullet, RankerX, Zennoposter, and more.
- Having issues? Follow the guides below or submit a support ticket for further assistance.
This section provides technical insights and troubleshooting guides for CaptchaAI’s system, including browser extensions, compatibility, API behavior, and advanced configurations. Learn how to set up and troubleshoot the CaptchaAI Chrome Extension and ensure smooth performance.
Learn how to submit support tickets, what details to include, and the expected response times for faster issue resolution.
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